Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Series of Unfortunate Choices:

1. Decide to give up coffee a week before you have to start pulling 18 to 20 hour days in order to finish your thesis on time.

2. Make the executive decision not to buy gas on Monday night while you were out and the price was 94 cents a litre, figuring it might go down more. Tuesday morning discover that prices have soared overnight to 103.5 cents a litre only to remember your car has less than a quarter tank of gas and you must drive to work.

3. Forego buying groceries for an entire month in an effort to squeek by on the remaining money in your bank account. Consume just about everything left in your freezer, pantry and fridge until your left with condiments, some frozen bagels your mother gave you and some canned beans your room mates left, which you despise and would never eat.

4. Decide to drive to the local Starbucks on the misguided notion that they have free wireless after you can't handle not checking your email and favourite websites for 24 hours straight because your ISP decide to randomly quit on you. Discover said wireless is indeed not free and are thus forced to drive to campus to access the internet- something you were hoping to avoid to save gas, time and money.

5. Realize once you reach campus that you've forgotten an important document you needed to photocopy, a graph you were planning on scanning to include in an appendix and that list of articles to collect next time you hit up the campus library.

Taken this morning from my brother's garden, because it can't always be about the angst and the depression.

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