Saturday, February 25, 2006

Car Trouble

“I really appreciate your Dad looking at my car the other day. I hope he didn’t mind.”

“No, it was fine. He likes that kind of thing. He was just a little surprised to see you is all.”

“Well, tell him again I said thanks.”

There is a pause in the conversation as I watch the scenery pass on our way back to the University town. It is a sunny, warm day for early November and very reminiscent of our drives together as a happy couple.

“He said you looked sad.”

“Oh…” I reply, as I turned silently to look out the window, tears welling up in my eyes as I try to will myself not to let any tears fall down my cheek.

A day earlier I had run into some trouble with my car overheating unexpectedly, while in Mr. Intellectual’s neighbourhood. For some reason my cell phone had died on me and I didn’t know where else to go. It only seemed natural to stop at his house to borrow the phone and get a little help. It had been over a year since I had last seen either of his parents and I don’t think he’s spoken to them about what happened between us, or that we’re still friends. All they know is I don’t call or come over anymore and he’s dating someone else who they have yet to meet.

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