Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Jumping Ship

Today I found out for certain that Mr. Intellectual pulled the same crappy moves as A., in that he's disappeared on me with no explanation. In the middle of an msn conversation a couple of evenings ago he went offline, never to be seen again. Today I discovered that he's not only blocked my msn address, but deleted it from his contact list. Thank-you msngeek.com. I sent him an email shortly after his mid-sentence disappearance and there has been no reply. It's horrible, horrible deja vu all over again. Email was one of the final ways we arranged to meet up and hang out, or catch up on life. After almost 9 years of friendship, and 6 years as a couple this is how he chose to part ways. I'm so numb and shut down right now because I can't even begin to process this turn of events with everything else that is going on in my life.

On top of all that another work friend is attempting to sever all ties with me before he moves across the country to start his full time job in our West Coast offices. Although, he has the courtesy to tell me about it and not just disappear into the night without another word. This is really helping my distrust of men and my pre-existing issues with abandonment.

It's like they can all see something that I can't.

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