Sunday, May 15, 2005

Family Conclave

I was planning on writing about what happened that brought me to the point where I sought medical help for my problems. However, this weekend had other plans. A family meeting was called after much discusion amongst all the siblings and with my parents in regards to the upcoming wedding of one of my brothers. We've decided after much discussion, that we need to have a heartfelt discussion with the groom as soon as humanly possible to discuss his marriage and the upcoming wedding. The wedding is in a month and we're having some serious concerns about his bride-to-be, her intentions and feelings.

I hope that my brother will be alright, regardless of what he chooses. I also hope that he can listen with an open heart to what we have to say. I love my brother's fiercely and all I want for them is nothing but the best. Either way, what ever happens will be a difficult road to walk down- whether it's the marriage or a seperation. I just wish it didn't have to be this way.

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