Saturday, October 01, 2005


A while back Mr. Intellectual told me about this quirky little comic, called White Ninja that he found while surfing the internet for Ninja stuff. Why? I'm not 100% sure, but I think it had something to do with the short film, "A Ninja Pays Half My Rent". Check out the archive for a good laugh. The ninja short is also funny too if you haven't already seen it. White Ninja releases new comics on a fairly regular basis which is one of my little indulgences. It reminds me of this comic which used to be featured in our student news paper, but sadly its creator graduated in my third year and it was discontinued. I still miss that comic and ever since it has been gone I haven't picked up the student newspaper nearly as often as I did back then.

I'm still breathing and here. Which is good- for now.

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